Cosmo Sheldrake | Lyrics, Song Meanings & Music Videos

July 2024 · 2 minute read

Axolotl Sailing seas in bathtubs green to grimy shores Waging war to…
Beech Beech gives wind speech (beech gives) Beech gives wind speec…
Birth a Basket Chop your wood then weave a nest from sticks or…
Birthday Suit Weighed down by morning In my birthday suit Lift up the even…
Come Along Come along, catch a Heffalump Sit with me on a muddy…
Cuckoo Song What do you do? In April, I open my bill In May,…
Egg and Soldiers I was looking over at my shoulder Only thinking of the…
Hocking Bring back hedgerows Lost in echoes Found in shadows Gone li…
I Threw A Rock Into The Sea I have to wait for the stars to come I threw…
LINGER A WHILE I tried to linger a while The clouds drifted by with…
Linger Longer Dusty rays and shattered beams Slippery roads and sunburn dr…
Mind of Rocks What is then Overstated Claimed a castle to gatecrash the is…
No. 3 I'll be back homeward bound And sorrow then Will come…

Pelicans We King and Queen of the Pelicans we; No other Birds so…
Pliocene Here come, go rummaging Oh where has your poor stammer been?…
Rich If I wanna be rich, I've got to find myself…
Solar I rose up at the dawn of day Get thee away,…
Solar Waltz Well, time she did as time she does She passed along…
Tardigrade Song If I were a tardigrade I'd move out from home Why…
The Fly Little Fly, Thy summer's play My thoughtless hand Has brushe…
The Moss Legend has it that the moss grows on the north…
Wriggle Hey ho, where did you go Did you wriggle or roll Did…
