How To Share A Full Reel on Instagram Story? 2022

March 2024 · 10 minute read

How To Share A Full Reel on Instagram Story?

Share A Full Reel on Instagram Story: Do you also post reels from your Instagram story? You are aware the reels you post on your Instagram story appear for only 15 seconds and the other components are cut.

If you curious about how to share complete reels on your Instagram story? without cutting off the other components, then you are at the right spot.

These days, a majority of users are on Instagram and they post stories about their own photos or videos as well as other reels. Also, if you post reels from your Instagram story that you enjoy then.

How To Share A Full Reel on Instagram Story

At the end of this post, you’ll be able to post any length of reels or videos in the Instagram story. We will now know how do you post a full reel to your Instagram story? using a step-by-step procedure.

How to put the full reel on your Instagram story?  – 2 ways

In addition, there are two methods by which you can share or publish the entire length of an Instagram story. In reality, one of the methods is only applicable to Instagram’s older versions.

First, we’ll learn the best techniques or methods to upload full 30/60 sec reels in your Instagram story, which is compatible with every version and 100% functional.

Finally, we’ll examine the process for uploading full reels on an Instagram story that works with older versions of Instagram. Let’s discuss it step-by-step.

1. How to share full reels on the Instagram story? by saving reels

Let me describe in detail the steps you will need to accomplish using this method. You just need to download the specific reels on your phone and then must upload the reels you have downloaded.

Once you’ve done that the entire reels will then be uploaded on your Instagram story, as well as your fans will be able to view the reels or videos arranged in a logical order.

Follow the steps below for uploading the full reel to the Instagram story (in this order):

Following the steps above you’ll be capable of sharing any other reels that are full-length on Instagram. Instagram story.

2. How to post full reels on Instagram story

Note: At the present, this method isn’t working with the most recent version of Instagram however it worked before. If you’re interested, you may try it.

In essence, you must change your Instagram account’s status to professional. Then, you must share your reels on stories. After that, by pressing the left arrow icon and sharing it. We will discuss this order.

Follow the steps below to share the entire 60 second and 30-second videos in an Instagram story:

As I’ve stated in the previous paragraph, there is no guarantee that this method will work, however, it is certain that the method you choose can be used to share full reels on your Instagram story.

Why do Instagram users share full reels on Instagram stories?

There are some reels that are important in the eyes of Instagram which they prefer to show their Instagram followers, and they want to ensure to watch them attentively. They don’t have to click on the option to watch the entire reels option.

There is a reason they prefer to share their full reels since they need to share several reels of their tale. Therefore, they don’t wish to see your half-story story before moving on to the next part. tapping to view the full reels.

and then coming back to your story to watch your reels’ story. Therefore, there are many reasons why individuals upload reels in full to be seen by their fans.

How do you share full reels on new Instagram stories?

To share a complete reel of Instagram Stories, first, make sure your account is public. After that, open the story you’d like to share, and click the “Share” button at the left-hand corner of the screen.

Choose “Instagram Stories” and then select “Share as Video.” The whole reel will then be made available as a video of 15 seconds in Instagram Stories.

What happens when you share a reel on Instagram?

When you post an image on Instagram the app will create a video that is a quick compilation of all the images and videos you’ve posted on Instagram during the last week. The reel then gets uploaded to your profile and is seen by your fans.

How do you post a long reel on Instagram?

There isn’t a method for posting the long reel of footage on Instagram. A few users have had success posting the link to their reels on their site or blog, and after that, using their Instagram “share” function to post the link to the Instagram profile.

Some users have transferred the video onto YouTube and then embedded their YouTube videos on the profile of their Instagram profiles.

How do you share your full reel on Instagram 2022?

There are several options to post your complete reel to Instagram 2022. You can upload the link to the reel via a site or on YouTube or post your reel straight on Instagram.

If you choose to upload your link, make sure it’s a concise and easy-to-remember URL, and then add the story to Instagram. If you post your video directly on Instagram ensure that it’s in an aspect ratio of square and not more than two minutes long.

How do you make a reel longer than 15 seconds?

Before, you could create a reel of 15 seconds on Instagram as stories. Instagram has now introduced an update that can extend the maximum length of your reel to 30 or 60 seconds.

It’s easy to set up It’s just a matter of having to turn the reels in order to create the length, and then tap the length to increase the maximum length from 15 seconds to 60 seconds.

How does the Instagram reel algorithm work?

It is believed that the Instagram algorithm has been designed so that it can present users with the posts they are likely to find interesting.

The algorithm considers various variables, such as the frequency with which users interact with an article as well as the timeliness that the article is posted, as well as the connection with the individual who uploaded the image or video.

Why can’t I do a 60-second reel?

There are several reasons that you may not be able 60-second reels. One reason is that your work is too lengthy and can’t fit in a 60-second timeframe. A different possibility could be that your work is complex or has multiple elements, which makes it difficult to write about in this short time frame.

How do you share a reel without posting it?

There are many ways to share your reel, without actually posting it. One option is to create private links that only the person whom you’re sharing it will view. You could also email your reel, or store it in a cloud-based storage service such as Dropbox and Google Drive.

How do you promote a reel on Instagram?

There are a few steps you can do to showcase the reel you have on Instagram. Make sure you have your account open and you’ve put your reel on the web section in your profile.

You can also share your reel via Instagram Stories and in regular posts. You can also use hashtags to aid people in finding the reel. You can also contact other Instagram users in the same industry as you and invite them to post your reel.

What is the difference between a reel and IGTV?

The reel is a video hosting application available for iPhone that lets users upload videos of six seconds. IGTV is an app for long-form videos on Instagram that lets users upload videos that are lasting up to one hour.

How do you make a reel go viral?

There’s no guarantee to ensure that your reel goes viral, however, there are some steps you can take to improve your chances. First, ensure that your content is of high quality and engaging.

Also, ensure that you can share it easily by including the social networks’ buttons, or by embedding codes. Then, you can advertise the reel via social media as well as other platforms online.

Do reels get more views?

There’s no clear answer because it is contingent on many factors – such as the subject of the reel and how well the material is made and the quality of its marketing. However, generally speaking, reels that are well-designed and appealing will receive more attention than ones that aren’t.

Why is my reel showing up black?

The reel could be dark because it isn’t new and was exposed to light too long.


I would like to think that you know how to share the full reels of your Instagram story by following the step-by-step method we provided along with a screenshot.

We’ve attempted to make your explanation of sharing the entire length of reels on Instagram a simple and a variety of methods. Alongside this, various details are included on the reels that you post on Story.

I have promised that by the time you finish this article you’ll be able to accomplish it. Then, you are able to choose the most popular reels you want to share, and you can add them to the full length of the story.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do you share someone else’s full reel on Instagram?

Install “Repost for Instagram” in the App Store (on iPhone), or Google Play (on Android) to share an Instagram reel from another person. Go to Instagram to find the reel video that you wish to report. Tap the ellipsis icon (3-dot symbol) in the bottom-right corner. Select “Copy link”.

How do you share a full reel on Instagram 2022?

To share the reels from your tale, tap the “Send TO” button instead of tapping your story choice. This will allow Instagram to publish full-length reel movies directly to your stories. Open the Instagram app on any smartphone, Android, or iPhone.

How do you make a big reel on Instagram stories?

Download the Instagram app to your phone.

  • Select the Reels icon, which looks like a clapperboard, in the menu at the bottom. …
  • Click the share icon to the left. It looks like a paper airplane. …
  • Select “Add reels to your story” from the pop-up menu.
  • Why can’t I share full reels on my Instagram story?

    First, ensure that your Instagram Stories account is public. Next, open the story that you wish to share. Tap the “Share” button at the bottom left. Tap “Instagram Stories” then “Share as Video.” The entire reel will be uploaded to Instagram Stories as a 15-second video.

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