During today’s Pokémon Presents livestream, The Pokémon company revealed two brand new Pokémon coming to Pokémon Scarlet and Violet later today. Walking Wake and Iron Leaves will be part of a Tera Raid Battle starting very soon.
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The Pokémon Company outlined that the Tera Raid Battles for these new Pokémon would begin shortly after the end of today’s Pokémon Presents livestream. While some preparations must be made, it’s likely that you’ll be able to pursue Walking Wake and Iron Leaves later today after an update is pushed out to Pokémon Scarlet and Violet.
Walking Wake is a Water/Dragon type Pokémon with a Water Tera Type in Tera Raid Battles. Its appearance resembles that of Suicune, though Walking Wake is far more dragonesque and menacing. Iron Leaves is a Grass/Psychic type Pokémon with a Grass Tera Type in Tera Raid Battles. It’s definitely the more unique of these two new Pokémon but still seems vaguely familiar, possibly a relative of Virizion.
Walking Wake will appear in Pokémon Scarlet, and Iron Leaves will be in Pokémon Violet. You’ll need to team up with other trainers to take these two on and have a chance of catching them. If you want both, you’d better have a friend with a different version of the game so you can help each other out and claim both of the new Paradox Pokémon for your Pokédex.
Paradox Pokémon are a new type of Pokémon introduced with Pokémon Scarlet and Violet. They are split into two groups. One resembles ancient versions of modern Pokémon, and the other resembles hyper-futuristic versions of modern Pokémon. The cover Pokémon for Pokémon Scarlet and Violet, Miraidon and Koraidon, are Paradox Pokémon and are the first examples players encounter when they begin playing. They can’t breed and are all gender unknown, likely so players don’t ruin the continuity of the Pokémon timeline by creating millions of them and ending the universe.
These two new Pokémon are just a taster of what’s coming to the latest Pokémon games. Expansions for Pokémon Scarlet and Violet were also revealed during today’s Pokémon Presents, giving you a glimpse at some of the new regions you’ll get to explore as these games expand and extend their story arc to cover more of the Pokémon world.
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Jamie Moorcroft-Sharp
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