Watch Dogs Legion: Is There a Difficulty Achievement/ Trophy? Answered

May 2024 · 2 minute read

In this guide, we’ll be talking you through whether or not there’s a difficulty achievement or trophy in Watch Dogs Legion, so you can play the game on whatever difficulty you want without worrying you’re missing out on that precious Platinum or 1000 Gamerscore. We’ve also made sure to be super spoiler-free, so you can read on knowing that it’s not going to detract from your enjoyment of the game.

Does Watch Dogs Legion Have a Difficulty Trophy or Difficulty Achievement?

No! Watch Dogs Legion does not have any trophies or achievements pertaining to completing the game on a set difficulty.

There are a handful of story-related trophies and achievements that you’ll unlock as you progress on your adventure to fight back against the mass surveillance and private military regimes now controlling London.

These don’t require you to play through the game at any particularly difficulty setting, though. As long as you complete the missions and make your way to those specific points in the story, the achievements and trophies will unlock for you.

From a quick glance, the achievement/ trophy list for Watch Dogs Legion doesn’t look all that tricky, either. That’s good news for you trophy and achievement hunters out there, though we do expect we’ll have to do a fair bit of trekking around the map to grab collectibles and visit various locations for activities.

Watch Dogs Legion will release on PS4, Xbox One and PC on October 29. The game will also release for the PS5 and Xbox Series X, with players who picked up a current-gen copy of the game able to get a free upgrade to the next-gen version. The game also utilizes cross-save technology, meaning you’ll be able to pick up where you left off in the current-gen version of the game.

That’s everything you need to know about whether or not Watch Dogs Legion has a difficulty trophy and achievement. For more tips, tricks, and general information on the game, be sure to search for Twinfinite, check out our wiki, or browse more of our coverage below.
