Season one of Netflix’s The Ultimatum: Marry or MoveOn was an intense emotional rollercoaster. The show is based on a unique and somewhat terrifying premise, where six sets of couples are forced to rethink their relationships and decide whether to plunge into marriage or move on. In each instance, one member is ready to take that final leap, while the other is hesitant for ambiguous or tangible reasons. Participants are allowed to select a new partner from the original pairings and spend three weeks in a trial marriage.
Unsurprisingly, some pairings do not survive the drama and chaos that ensue. However, some couples endure the ridiculous pressure created by the show and emerge stronger and determined to get married. So, did season one couples survive or crumble under the weight of The Ultimatum? We take a look at their relationship statuses to find out.
Spoiler Alert! This article reveals details from the outcome of 'The Ultimatum'
8 Lauren Pounds And Nathan Ruggles
Lauren and Nathan were seemingly at an impasse at the start of the show. After dating for two years, the couple could not agree on having children. The two got engaged and left The Ultimatum before the ”trial marriage” phase of the experiment. Although the couple is yet to tie the knot, they have worked out their differences in therapy and settled on having at least one child.
7 Madlyn Ballatori And Colby Kissinger
Madlyn’s reluctance to marry Colby was painfully apparent at the start of the show. However, being on The Ultimatum evidently resolved her doubts. Madlyn responded “yes” after Colby’s heartwarming proposal in the finale episode. The pair ended up getting married immediately after the proposal. The two have since made plans to expand their family and are expecting a child together.
6 Alexis Maloney And Hunter Parr
For Alexis and Hunter, The Ultimatum was an avenue to explore Hunter’s reluctance to propose. In an interview with US Weekly, Hunter confessed that after a week of experimenting with other partners, he realized that Alexis was his perfect match. The couple got engaged in episode two of the show and chose to forgo the remainder of the experiment. The two have since moved in together and have a wedding scheduled for June 2022.
5 April Marie And Jake Cunningham
Despite living as a married couple, Jake was still ambivalent about proposing to April. Being on The Ultimatum exacerbated pre-existing conflict in this relationship, resulting in a painful split. The two did not reunite after filming wrapped seven months ago. April appears to have moved on and is in a serious relationship with someone new. According to Cosmopolitan, April’s new beau is completely enamored with her and talks about marrying her all the time. Despite his seemingly profound connection with Rae on the show, Jake is still single.
4 Rae Williams And Zay Wilson
The Ultimatum was a tumultuous and ultimately disappointing ride for Rae and Zay. The college sweethearts had an explosive argument and broke-up in the days leading up to the season finale. The duo’s efforts to salvage their relationship after filming wrapped were unsuccessful. Rae has moved on from the relationship and is seeing someone new. Meanwhile, Zay claims that he has not dated since the show wrapped.
3 Jake Cunningham And Rae Williams
Jake and Rae’s developed an indisputable bond in the preliminary episodes of The Ultimatum. In the finale episode, the couple forfeited their original relationships and decided to travel together. However, the two did not end up taking the trip. During the reunion, Rae confessed that they “came to a consensus that everybody needed more time to heal.”
2 Who Is Rae Williams Dating?
Rae underwent an intense period of self-discovery after filming wrapped, and has recently come out as bisexual. When queried by Nick and Vanessa Lachey about her relationship status, Rae responded, “Since Zay and I split up, I’ve been with one person. She’s amazing, and I had a really good connection with her. But we kinda kept it casual. I’m kinda figuring out myself and my sexuality because I was very uncomfortable with being bi for a very long time.”
1 Shanique Imari And Randal Griffin
Despite dating Shanique for one and a half years, Randal had seemingly put off marriage indefinitely. Happily ever after seemed within grasp after Randal’s proposal in the finale episode of The Ultimatum. However, the couple’s issues persisted after filming wrapped, leading to a six-month split.
As of the reunion, the two had reconnected and were living together. Speaking to Entertainment Weekly, Shanique claimed that the split allowed them to “see where we were compatible and where we weren't and whether or not we were willing to work through the things that were hard for us to work through.”